Tumor formation and progression can be affected by genetic alterations in tumor cells and the repositioning of components of the tumor microenvironment (TME) through reciprocal dynamic crosstalk (1). The TME consists of tumor cells, stromal fibroblasts, endothelial cells, immune cells, and non-cellular components of the extracellular matrix, such as collagen, fibronectin, and hyaluronan (2). Mutual biochemical and biophysical interactions between cellular and non-cellular components result in a unique TME, which determines the disease outcome. The cellular components contribute to tumor growth by creating a unique environment in terms of oxygen supply, the availability of metabolites, and pH (3). Further, the interaction of tumor cells with the non-cellular components accelerates carcinogenesis and disease progression.
The physical forces within the TME play critical roles in leading the physiological and pathological processes of cancer (4). These forces have been known as critical components of the TME, and emerging evidence suggests that mechanical forces affect tumor behavior, including cell division, survival, and migration (5). As solid tumors grow, biomechanical forces may be generated as a result of an altered architecture within the TME. With an increasing number of cancer and noncancerous cells, the pressure inside the tumor increases, and the signals of mechanical forces are transferred to cancer cells, thus leading to mechanotransduction and cancer progression (6). There are many types of stress in the TME that can be loaded onto cancer cells, including substrate rigidity, fluid shear stress, hydrostatic pressure, tensile forces, and compressive forces (7).
In this review, we summarize some key biomechanical force changes that occur in the TME and describe how these changes generate pathophysiological forces. We also focus on how these biomechanical forces influence cancer progression (Fig. 1).
The extracellular matrix (ECM) has an important function within the TME, as it comprises up to 60% of the tumor mass in most solid cancers (8). The ECM is composed of proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and fibrous proteins such as collagen, fibronectin, elastin, and laminin, which provide biochemical signals and mechanical support to maintain cellular components (9). Throughout the development of cancer, excessive cell proliferation and abnormal ECM accumulation affect tissue stiffness (10). It is generally known that the stiffness of solid tumors is much higher than that of normal tissues. For example, normal mammary glands have a modulus of elasticity of less than 200 Pa, while breast cancers have a modulus of elasticity of more than 4 kPa (11, 12). Similarly, normal liver tissue has a stiffness of 300 to 600 Pa whereas liver cancer has a stiffness of 1.6 to 20 kPa (13). Cancer cells secrete significant amounts of ECM during tumorigenesis, which stiffens their TME as a result of increased fiber cross-linking (14). Alterations of ECM composition and substrate elasticity contributes to changes in the cytoskeletal structure of cancer cells, thus promoting metastasis (15).
Matrix stiffness and density also alter tumor cell behavior by promoting the activation of focal adhesion proteins, including integrin clustering, thereby strengthening the connection between the ECM and cytoskeleton. Integrin clustering triggers the recruitment of focal adhesion signaling, which further triggers focal adhesion signaling molecules, such as FAK, Src, and paxillin, thereby leading to signaling cascades and cytoskeletal reorganization through the small GTPases Rac, Rho, and Ras. It also promotes tumor formation by increasing cytoskeletal tension via ERK and Rho/ROCK signaling (11, 16). Pang
In addition to the altered rigidity of the ECM, physical stimuli also induce changes in the TME, which affect tumor growth and metastasis (23). This section describes the types of physical forces that affect tumorigenesis and development—such as solid stress, fluid shear stress, and tensile force—which are generated as the tumor grows, and discusses the potential mechanotransductive signaling induced by biomechanical forces that alter tumor cell fate (Fig. 1).
Solid stresses, such as compression forces, are present in solid tumor tissues. Since cancer cells proliferate rapidly in a limited space, the core of a solid tumor experiences higher stress than its border areas. Solid stress can affect cancer cell growth by either directly compressing cancer cells or indirectly compressing blood or lymphatic vessels, which can hinder cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis while increasing invasiveness and metastatic potential (24, 25). The solid pressure inside the tumor ranges from 45 to 120 mmHg, while the lymphatic or vascular pressure is from 6 to 17 mmHg (26). Walsh
Cancer cells secrete vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) and other angiogenic factors during tumorigenesis, which results in disorganized angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis (29). The formation of hyperpermeable tumor vessels increases both red blood cell concentration and blood viscosity due to the enhanced leakage of blood plasma into the interstitial space (30, 31). Moreover, as mentioned above in the section on solid stress, blood and lymphatic vessels are compressed, which increases the geometric resistance to flow. These abnormalities in the tumor microenvironment affect blood flow, interstitial fluid pressure, and fluid shear stress (6). During intravasation, transport through blood or lymphatic flow, and extravasation, cancer cells experiences frictional forces from adjacent cells and hydrodynamic flow (32). Fluid shear stress, which is induced by interstitial, lymphatic, or blood flow, is important for vascular remodeling and regulates tumor cell growth, metastasis, and transport. The shear stress of the interstitial flow range is approximately 0.02-2 dyne/cm2, while blood flow has a higher velocity. Blood flow can produce greater fluid shear at 1-4 dyne/cm2 in narrow vessels and at 4-30 dyne/cm2 in larger vessels (23). During metastasis, cancer cells, cancer stem-like cells (CSCs), or circulating tumor cells (CTCs) gradually leave circulation because of blood shear stress and successfully develop metastatic tumors (24). Lee
Cancer cells are subjected to irregular growth, compressive stress from the external ECM, and internal tension from the surrounding tumor tissue. This can be visualized as a ball filling with an air; as the inside of the ball expands, the outside of ball stretches through interactions with its surroundings (24). Several studies have shown that tensile stress potentially contributes to cancer metastasis. Wang
External mechanical stimuli—such as the ECM, solid stress, fluid shear stress, and tensile force—are recognized based on the mechanosensitive machinery of cells, and they influence cell behavior through an intracellular cascade (Fig. 1). The conversion of mechanical stimuli into biochemical cascades consists of the following steps: (1) mechanotransmission, (2) mechanosensing, and (3) mechanosignaling (37). Cellular mechanosensing is based on force-induced conformational changes in various mechanosensitive proteins in cancer cells, which activate signaling pathways by opening transmembrane channels or changing their affinity for binding partners (39). In this section, we discuss how mechanosensors such as integrins, G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), ion channels, and caveolae perceive and transmit signals into cells and affect cellular behavior (Table 1).
Integrins can sense ECM stiffness, and cell-ECM interactions in normal and pathological conditions are primarily mediated through integrins, which regulate cell behaviors such as motility and migration (36). Using mechanical forces to strengthen ligand-integrin-cytoskeletal connections modulates cytoskeletal organization and activates intracellular signaling pathways to transmit mechanical and chemical signals. Pang
Transient receptor potential (TRP) family proteins are a major group of Ca2+ channels that trigger the activation of specific intracellular cascades through changes in ion flux in response to various extracellular cues, including biochemical factors, pH, heat, and physical stimuli (44). The TRP family comprises more than 30 cation channels in various tissues. According to the sequence homology, the TRP superfamily can be divided into seven subfamilies: vanilloid (TRPV), ankyrin (TRPA), canonical (TRPC), melastatin (TRPM), mucolipin (TRPML), NOMPC (TRPN), and TRPP (polycystin) (45). Among them, TRPV channels have been shown to be associated with various types of human cancers. The major Ca2+-triggered pathways include the CAMKII, NF-κB, calpain, and calcineurin pathways, which are involved in cancer progression via cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis (46, 47). The TRPV subfamily consists of TRPV members 1-6, which are further divided into two subgroups: TRPV1-4 and TRPV5-6. TRPV2 and TRPV4 are both sensitive to membrane stretching and play important roles in tissues subjected to high mechanical stress induced by solid tumors in the TME. Nagasawa and Kojima (48) investigated the effect of local mechanical force on TRPV2 localization in the human fibrosarcoma cell line, HT1080. Mechanical stress applied using a glass pipette locally activates PI3-kinase and induces the translocation of TRPV2, which leads to increased Ca2+ levels (48). Lee
Piezo channels, along with the TRP family, are mechanosensitive cation channels that detect mechanical signals. When activated, they increase cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations through rapid Ca2+ influx into the extracellular space, thus converting mechanical stimuli into intracellular signals. The two main variants of Piezo channels are Piezo1 and Piezo2. Piezo1 is a cation-selective channel that senses changes in the stiffness of the environment without requiring a helper protein for its activity. Dalghi
The G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCRs) superfamily is the largest family of cell surface signaling receptors, which is encoded by more than 800-1,000 genes in the human genome (59). GPCRs—also called 7-transmembrane receptors—are structures that cross the cell membrane seven times and are linked to G proteins, Gα, Gβ, and Gγ, which bind to the guanine nucleotide GDP. Gα subunits can be further classified into four classes: Gαs, Gαi/o, Gαq/11, and Gα12/13 (60, 61). GPCRs regulate cell proliferation, survival, angiogenesis, immune cell evasion, migration, invasion, and metastasis (62). Although they have mainly been investigated in terms of their chemosensory function, several studies have shown that they can also serve as mechanical sensors when stimulated directly by mechanical forces (63).
It has been reported that the proton-sensing ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1 (OGR1, also known as GPR68) is activated by mechanical stress on the cellular membrane, such as membrane elongation. According to Xu
Caveolae are small (550-100 nm) plasma membrane invaginations that were first identified using electron microscopy in 1953 (67). Caveolae, which are primarily present in the plasma membrane, were initially assumed to be immobile (68); however, later studies established them as dynamic structures (69). Caveolae appear to mediate endocytosis, transcytosis, and potocytosis as well as support the uptake and intracellular delivery of bacteria, bacterial toxins, and viruses. They are composed of two essential structural proteins: caveolin (caveolin-1,2,3) and cavin (cavin-1,2,3,4). The caveolar neck contains EHD2 and Pacsin2 that binds Dynamin2 and the N-terminus of caveolin (70). Caveolae flattening is followed by caveolae disassembly, as indicated by the release of caveolin-1 and cavin-1. Numerous studies have implicated caveolin-1 in the regulation of tumor growth and several parameters related to cancer growth. Previous studies have focused on caveolin transcriptomic changes in tumors. However, recent findings have highlighted the need to investigate the mechanobiology of caveolae (67, 71). In another study, Pu
During tumor progression, the architecture and microenvironment are gradually altered, followed by dynamic changes in the physical cues and forces surrounding the tumor. Biomechanical forces in TME affect cancer progression and metastasis. Here, we summarize the biomechanical forces applied to the TME and the mechanosensors on cells that receive stimuli from the TME. Physical cues—including rigid substrates or forces such as solid stress, fluid shear stress, and tensile force—stimulate cancer cells and various surface receptors or channels, as the mechanosensors of cancer cells perceive these stimuli and therefore propagate signal transduction. Recent research detailing the complexities of the TME and its biophysical requirements highlights the need to further elucidate its biological, biochemical, and biophysical aspects. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the mechanical properties of the TME can provide a new approach to cancer treatment, and this perspective is expected to promote the development of innovative therapeutic strategies.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) has an important function within the TME, as it comprises up to 60% of the tumor mass in most solid cancers (8). The ECM is composed of proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and fibrous proteins such as collagen, fibronectin, elastin, and laminin, which provide biochemical signals and mechanical support to maintain cellular components (9). Throughout the development of cancer, excessive cell proliferation and abnormal ECM accumulation affect tissue stiffness (10). It is generally known that the stiffness of solid tumors is much higher than that of normal tissues. For example, normal mammary glands have a modulus of elasticity of less than 200 Pa, while breast cancers have a modulus of elasticity of more than 4 kPa (11, 12). Similarly, normal liver tissue has a stiffness of 300 to 600 Pa whereas liver cancer has a stiffness of 1.6 to 20 kPa (13). Cancer cells secrete significant amounts of ECM during tumorigenesis, which stiffens their TME as a result of increased fiber cross-linking (14). Alterations of ECM composition and substrate elasticity contributes to changes in the cytoskeletal structure of cancer cells, thus promoting metastasis (15).
Matrix stiffness and density also alter tumor cell behavior by promoting the activation of focal adhesion proteins, including integrin clustering, thereby strengthening the connection between the ECM and cytoskeleton. Integrin clustering triggers the recruitment of focal adhesion signaling, which further triggers focal adhesion signaling molecules, such as FAK, Src, and paxillin, thereby leading to signaling cascades and cytoskeletal reorganization through the small GTPases Rac, Rho, and Ras. It also promotes tumor formation by increasing cytoskeletal tension via ERK and Rho/ROCK signaling (11, 16). Pang
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (Grant No. 2020R1A2C2011617) and a Chung-Ang University Research Grant in 2021.
The authors have no conflicting interests.
Mechanosensors and their signaling in tumor microenvironment
Mechanosensors | Functions | Interactions | Cells | Downstream | References |
Cell adhesion molecules (Integrin) | |||||
ITGβ1 | Malignant | Stiffness (10 kPa) | Human hepatocarcinoma cell (HepG2) | ITGβ1/FAK/GTPase | (17) |
ITGβ1 | Invasive, angiogenesis | Stiffness (130-4,020 Pa) | Mouse mammary carcinoma cell (4T1) | ILK/PI3K/Akt | (40) |
αvβ3 | Adhesion, migration, invasion | Shear stress (1.84 dyne/cm2, 2 h) | Human breast cancer cell (MDA-MB-231) | PI3K/Akt, NF-kB | (41) |
α6β4 | Proliferation, migration | Shear stress (15 dyne/cm2, 12 h) | Human colon cancer (SW480) | β-catenin/PI3K/Rac1 | (74) |
Transient receptor potential (TRP) family | |||||
TRPV2 | Migration | Stretch (micropipette suction force, 10 mm H2O) | Human fibrosarcoma (HT1080) | Ca2+ influx, PI3K | (48) |
TRPV4 | Metastasis | Stretch (micropipette suction force, elasticity, about 2-400 Pa) | Mouse breast cancer cell (4T07) | (49) | |
Piezo | |||||
Piezo1 | Metastasis | Shear stress (0.05 dyne/cm2) | Human prostate cancer cell (PC3) | Piezo1-Src-YAP | (54) |
Piezo1 | Proliferation | Stiffness (5,000 Pa) | Human glioblastoma | Piezo1-integrin-FAK | (58) |
Piezo1 | Invasion, migration | Compression (400 Pa) | Human breast cancer cell (MDA-MB-231) | Piezo1-Src-ERK | (55) |
Piezo1 | Invasion | Stretch | Human osteosarcoma (MG63, U2) | (38) | |
GPCRs | |||||
OGR1 (GPR68, Gq/11 coupled receptor) | Ca2+ release | Disturbed shear stress (4 s, 60 Hz, 2 Pa) | Human breast cancer cell (MDA-MB-231) | PLC activation, Ca2+ release | (64) |
OGR1 (GPR68, Gq receptor) | Migration | Stiffness (0.2 kPa), stretch (10-60%, 1 h) | Human medulloblastoma cell (DAOY), human osteosarcoma (MG63) | Ca2+ release | (65) |
CXCR4 | Proliferation | Stiffness (12 kPa) | Human hepatocellular carcinoma (Hep3B, Huh7) | CXCR4/UBTD1/YAP | (66) |
Caveolae | |||||
Caveolin-1, Cavin-1 | Invasive | Pressure (osmotic stress, 440 mOsmol/kg; pressure, 30 mmHg) | Human glioblastoma (U118) | (72) | |
Caveolin-1 | Migration, invasion | Shear stress (1.8-4 dyne/cm2) | Human breast cancer cell (MDA-MB-231) | PI3K/Akt/mTOR | (73) |
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