Mammalian inner ear comprises of six sensory organs; cochlea, utricle, saccule, and three semicircular canals. The cochlea contains sensory epithelium known as the organ of Corti which senses sound through mechanosensory hair cells. Mammalian inner ear undergoes series of morphogenesis during development beginning thickening of ectoderm nearby hindbrain. These events require tight regulation of multiple signaling cascades including FGF, Wnt, Notch and Bmp signaling. In this review, we will discuss the role of newly emerging signaling, FGF signaling, for its roles required for cochlear development.
Mammalian ear is composed of the outer, middle and inner ear. Sound generated from outside gathers in the outer ear, travels through the middle ear and transfers to the inner ear. The sensory hair cells in the inner ear then convert mechanical sound vibration to electrical signals and transmit those signals to the brain (1). Inner ear development comprises a series of morphogenic events that are orchestrated by a cascade of tightly regulated molecular events (2). During inner ear development, many morphogens play important roles. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) is one of them. FGF signaling plays multiple roles during inner ear development starting as early as embryonic day (E) 8–9 in mouse, when three FGF ligands (FGF3, FGF8 and FGF10) signal to FGFR2 within the otic epithelium for otic placode induction (3). In addition, recent publications indicate the emerging role of FGF signaling during cochlear sensory progenitor proliferation and differentiation (4–7). In this review, we will focus on the various roles of FGF signaling in cochlear development that are identified up-to-date including sensory progenitor proliferation, lateral compartment differentiation, pillar cell differentiation and non-sensory structures development.
FGF signaling has been implicated in development, metabolism and disease. During vertebrate development, FGFs are widely expressed and regulate multiple diverse processes. FGF family is a group of structurally related polypeptide growth factors. FGFs are typically small ranging about 17–35 kD, secreted, and highly basic proteins (8). In mammalian system, there are 22 members of the FGFs that are classified into 7 subfamilies based on their sequence homology and biochemical properties (9). The canonical FGFs are secreted from the cells and bind to cognate receptors along with heparan sulfate (8, 10). Due to the binding affinity with heparan sulfate, these FGFs function as paracrine or autocrine (11). The hormonal FGFs require novel cofactors, klotho and β-Klotho to bind to their cognate receptors due to lack of binding affinity with heparin sulfate (12, 13). The intracellular FGFs serve as co-factors for voltage gated sodium channels and other molecules (14, 15).
To activate canonical FGF signaling, FGFs bind to their cognate receptors, FGF receptors (FGFR) (8). Binding of FGFs to FGFRs results in receptor dimerization (16, 17). This process is enhanced by heparan sulfate, which forms a tri-molecular complex containing FGF, FGFR and heparin sulfate (8, 18). After dimerization, FGFR auto-phosphorylates to activate itself and phosphorylates intracellular adaptor molecules. FGF/FGFR signaling activates three major downstream signaling pathways: mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/Akt and the phospholipase c-γ (PLC-γ) pathway (19). The most common pathway employed by FGFs is the MAPK pathway. This involves the lipid-anchored docking protein FGFR substrate 2 (FRS2) (20, 21). The two tyrosine auto-phosphorylation sites (Y-653 and Y-654) conduct binding of FRS2 to FGFR. The adaptor protein Grb2 and the protein tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 recognize the FRS2 tyrosine phosphorylation sites and bind (22, 23). Grb2 forms a complex with the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Son of sevenless (SOS) via its SH3 domain (22, 23). Translocation of this complex to the plasma membrane by binding to phosphorylated FRS2 allows SOS to activate Ras by GTP exchange due to its proximity to membrane-bound Ras (21, 24). Once in the active GTP-bound state, Ras interacts with several effector proteins including Raf leading to the activation of the MAPK signaling cascade (21, 24). This cascade leads to phosphorylation of target transcription factors, such as Etv4 and Etv5 (25).
Canonical FGFs are divided by 5 subfamilies and recognize specific cognate receptor isotypes. There are 4 members of FGF receptors in vertebrates and produce many variants using mRNA alternative splicing (26, 27). Among them two major isoforms, the tissue-specific alternative splicing (b and c isoforms) in immunoglobulin (Ig) domain III of FGFRs, have distinct FGFR-binding properties indicating the complexity of FGF signaling (28–33).
The specificity of FGFs for the major splice forms of the FGFRs is critical for both the developmental and pathogenic functions of FGFs. One important observation is that distinct FGFs signal across epithelial-mesenchymal boundaries. For example, in lung development,
In this review, we will overview the role of FGFs and FGFRs during inner ear development and focus on recently emerged role of FGF signaling in cochlear sensory progenitor cells. Table 1 summarizes phenotypes of inner ear development from the FGFs and FGFRs knock-out mouse lines.
In vertebrates, the inner ear is comprised of two main functional parts: the cochlea that is responsible for sound detection, and the vestibular system that is dedicated to balance. The development of inner ear involves dramatic morphogenic and patterning events that convert simple thickened epithelium to a complex structure connected to the central nervous system. In mice, the inner ear develops from a bilateral thickening (otic placode) within the ectoderm located adjacent to the hindbrain around E8.5 (43). Induction of otic placode from competent pre-placodal ectoderm has been shown to be mediated by FGF signaling where three FGF ligands (FGF3, 8 and 10) signal to FGFR2 within the otic epithelium for otic placode induction (3, 44). One day later, placodal cells invaginate and separate from the surface ectoderm giving rise to the otocyst (43). All cells within the membranous portion of the inner ear are derived from the multipotent progenitor cells initially located within the otocyst (2). Around E10.5, a population of cells delaminates from the ventral region of the otocyst and migrates a short distance ventro-medially. These cells are neuroblasts that will coalesce to form the developing stato-acoustic ganglion (VIII cranial ganglion). Following this event, the spheroidal otocyst undergoes an elaborate series of morphogenic changes resulting in the formation of two main structures: the dorsal vestibular and the ventral cochlear regions (43). During otocyst development, gradients of sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Wnt signaling function to establish positional information across the dorso-ventral axis to confer vestibular and cochlear identities (45, 46).
As the cochlear duct extends and coils, a subset of cells within its ventral aspect begins to develop as the prosensory epithelium (prosensory domain), and these cells become localized to a restricted region of the developing cochlea including a narrow strip that extends along the length of the cochlear duct (43). Some markers of the prosensory domain include the Jag1 (a Notch ligand), and Sox2 transcription factor (47, 48). Cells within the prosensory domain will give rise to both hair cells and supporting cells within the organ of Corti. In mouse, the prosensory domain cells begin to exit the cell cycle starting from the apex around E12, and a wave of cell cycle exit marks with the expression of p27Kip1 then proceeds along the prosensory domain from the apex to the base over the following 48–60 hours (49). Starting at about E13.5, cells in the mid-basal region of the cochlea begin to differentiate to hair cells by expressing the key transcription factor Atoh1, and the region of differentiating cells spreads bidirectionally over the following three days (50). Over the next two weeks, hair cells undergo morphological and biochemical specialization, including the elaboration and polarization of the apical hair bundle stereocilia, the development of mechanosensitivity in hair bundles and the formation of the basal ribbon synapses with neurons of the spiral ganglion (51).
By P0, cochlear sensory epithelium is composed of two types of cells; hair cells and supporting cells. Hair cells are arranged in ordered rows extending the length of the spiral cochlear duct. One row of inner hair cells is located on the medial edge of organ of Corti while three rows of outer hair cells on the lateral edge (43). Supporting cells rest on the basement membrane and send apical projections to the luminal surface. At least five different types of supporting cells are arranged in rows from the outer edge to the inner edge of the organ: Hensen’s cells, Deiters’ cells, pillar cells; inner phalangeal cells; and border cells (2).
Cochlear sensory progenitor cells start to proliferate beginning E11 (52). Otocysts explanted to ectopic locations
As for
By studying various compound mutants of
Analysis of
Several independent lines of research suggest that FGF20 signals to FGFR1 within the developing sensory epithelium between E13.5 and E14.5 to regulate the differentiation of outer hair cells and supporting cells (Fig. 1) (5, 56–58). As mentioned previously,
Due to early developmental lethality in
Analyses of the cochlear length, progenitor cell proliferation and prosensory domain size in
FGF20 has been suggested by multiple studies to be the ligand for FGFR1 that is responsible for outer hair cell and supporting cell differentiation (4, 56). Both
During post-mitotic stages (around E16.5), FGF8 signals from the inner hair cells to FGFR3 in supporting cells to regulate pillar cell differentiation (62–64). The expression of
In humans, a gain-of-function mutation in
Reciprocal epithelium-mesenchyme signaling is a fundamental process for the morphogenesis of multiple organs. In inner ear, FGF9 expressed in non-sensory domain of otic epithelium signals to the FGFR1 and FGFR2 (IIIc spliceform) in the surrounding mesenchyme between E11.5 and E13.5 to regulate mesenchymal cell proliferation and subsequent condensation (55). Inner ears of
A recent study suggests that FGF10 expressed in otic epithelium signals to FGFR2b expressed in adjacent epithelial regions to induce Reissner’s membrane and outer sulcus development between E12.5–E15.5 (67).
In human, heterozygous mutations in
It is quite evident that FGF signaling plays diverse roles during cochlear development in a context-dependent manner. Different members of the FGF family function either individually or redundantly to regulate progenitor cell number, mediate sensory epithelial patterning, and induce specification and differentiation of different cell populations within the developing cochlea. Developmental defects result from aberrant activity of FGF signaling pathway confirm the importance of such pathway during different stages of cochlear development. However, there is a few discrepancies among published data that need to be addressed.
The phenotype severity of loss of
Another unsolved question is the splice variant of FGFR1 to which FGF20 binds for regulating lateral compartment differentiation. FGF20 belongs to FGF9 subfamily that comprises FGF9, FGF16 and FGF20. They bind to c splice variants of FGFR1, FGFR2, and both b and c splice variant of FGFR3 (30). The phenotype of
Given the different roles FGF signaling plays during cochlear sensory epithelial development, it is a potential pathway that can be manipulated for hair cell regeneration. Evidence of FGF signaling role in regeneration comes from chicken and zebrafish models that are capable of spontaneously regenerating their sensory epithelium. Transcriptional profiling of regenerating chicken cochlear sensory epithelia after ototoxic injury revealed that
Since the mammalian cochlea lacks the capability to regenerate hair cells after damage, the ultimate goal for understanding the role of FGF signaling as well as other signaling pathways is to manipulate these pathways to induce hair cell regeneration. A learned lesson from the diverse roles of FGF signaling is that the context is the main determinant of FGF signaling function. Such concept must be taken into consideration for utilizing this signaling pathway to induce hair cell regeneration.
This work was supported by Mary & Dick Holland Regenerative Medicine Program, NIH grants DC012825 and GM110768, and Edna Ittner Pediatric Research Support.
Phenotypes of FGF mutation in mouse
Gene | Type of mutation | Phenotype | Ref |
Double conventional mutation with |
Failure of otic vesicle formation | (72–74) | |
Conditional mutation with |
Decrease of pillar cells | (64) | |
Conventional mutation | Decrease of periotic mesenchyme proliferation | (55) | |
Double conventional mutation with |
Decrease of cochlear sensory progenitor proliferation | (5) | |
Conventional mutation | Agenesis of posterior vestibular tissue | (67, 75, 76) | |
Double conventional mutation with |
Failure of otic vesicle formation | (72–74) | |
Conventional mutation | Decrease of cochlear lateral compartment differentiation | (4) | |
Double conventional mutation with |
Decrease of cochlear sensory progenitor proliferation | (5) | |
Hypomorph, Conditional mutation with |
Decrease of cochlear lateral compartment differentiation | (5, 57, 58) | |
Double conditional deletion with |
Decrease of sensory progenitor proliferation | (5) | |
IIIC isoform specific mutation | Failure otocyst morphogenesis | (77) | |
Double conditional deletion with |
Decrease of sensory progenitor proliferation | (5) | |
Conventional mutation | Loss of pillar cell and increase of outer hair cells | (62, 79) |